Innovation thus plays a key part in the formation, development and growth of firms and innovation can involve combing knowledge from different parts of the world.
The theories covered in this module can be applied globally. This module equips the participants with the knowledge and skills to manage innovation in today’s rapidly evolving global marketplace.
Topics covered
- Introduction
- Managing Innovation as a Process
- Organising for Innovation
- Creating Innovation Strategy
- Sources and Network of Innovation
- Innovation Decision and Planning
- New Product and Service Development
- Open Innovation and Alliances
- Capture and Protect Innovation
- New Venture, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project Assessment
Learning outcomes
If you complete the module successfully, you should be able to:
- identify the core areas of technology innovation and understand the internal and external environments that foster innovation and strategic change including how these vary across the world.
- develop an in-depth understanding of the sources, processes and strategies of innovation.
- analyse the types of opportunities in an organisation’s internal and external environment that enable innovation and strategic change.
- explain and analyse industry dynamics and organisational innovation and management processes in differing contexts.
- critically appraise the nature of innovation and understand the implications for how firms can engage in strategic change.
- evaluate how different technology strategies affect businesses and appraise the tools and methods used.
- construct arguments based on the interpretation of quantitative data.
- apply effective written communication skills for formulating plans, strategies and outcomes.
- demonstrate time management skills (including working under time pressure).
- demonstrate analytical, problem-solving and decision making skills in the area of innovation.
- synthesise and use information and knowledge effectively to analyse organisational innovation.
- gain digital and information literacy skills.
Mode of Study in person
Course Duration 1-2 weeks